Message from the Rev. Michael Carney, Nominating Committee Chair
Once again, the Nominating Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in our survey of the diocese. The information that was gathered will help us reach out to potential candidates who might become our new bishop. Now, to clarify what we’re learning from the survey data, we’d like to hear your responses to some questions about the Episcopal Church in Utah. This article announces conversations in English; we’re also working on arranging them in Spanish and Dinka.
Lay people from all our congregations are invited to take part in an online Listen Group, facilitated by members of the Nominating Committee. (Separate groups are being created for clergy, who’ll be contacted by email.) In these small groups, participants will be asked to respond briefly to questions like these: What should be the mission and purpose for the Diocese of Utah? What are the strengths of our diocese? What opportunities and challenges do we face as we seek to fulfill our mission? What role should the diocese play in the larger community? We expect the conversations to last one hour.
To keep the groups a reasonable size, and hopefully to fit your busy schedules, we’ve planned ten small group sessions. On Wednesday, April 14; Tuesday, April 20; and Thursday, April 29, Listening Groups will meet each day at 10:00 am, 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm. There will also be a group on Saturday, April 17 at 1:00 pm, and more groups will be held during our Diocesan Convention on Saturday, April 24, with the Bishop Search presentation starting at 1:00 pm. (Everyone is invited to join this Convention session, whether you’re a delegate or not.)
Joining one of these sessions is as easy as 1, 2, 3:
- Pick a convenient day and time.
- Click on this Zoom link (or call in, if you prefer) when that time comes.
Meeting ID: 856 3702 5428 Passcode: episcopal Call-in Number: 929-205-6099 - Share your thoughts and listen to what the others have to say.
Thanks for considering being part of one of the Listening Groups. We hope you’ll sign up, so your responses can help us make the best possible presentation to potential candidates. We’ll keep you posted on how that process is going!
Rev. Michael Carney, Nominating Committee chair