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Survey was circulated digitally February 28 – March 17, 2021
Beginning in April through early May, the Bishop Search & Nomination Committee held Listening Sessions across the diocese. Input received from clergy and laypeople will help guide them as they prepare the Diocesan Profile.
The Diocesan Profile is a detailed description of the Diocese of Utah that helps those who are discerning a call to be the next bishop learn more about the diocese and its people. We welcome all inquiries and are committed to giving full consideration to every prospective candidate.
Zoom Interviews with applicants
Semi-finalists will be invited to the Discernment Retreat.
Semi-finalists are invited to a retreat with members of the Nominating Committee for a prayerful, in-person time of conversation and mutual discernment.
Following the Discernment Retreat, the Nominating Committee presents a slate of 3-5 nominees to the Standing Committee. The Petition Process Opens.
Petitioners Announced
Meet & Greets will be held across the diocese prior to the electing convention. Candidates for bishop will meet with the people of the Diocese of Utah to share their leadership vision and answer questions. Clergy and lay delegates to the Electing Convention are especially encouraged to attend as we discern who is called to be our next bishop.
Final Election
Ordination and Consecration of the 12th Bishop of the Diocese of Utah